Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Now I Know What Was Missing
Dani is starting to feel she belongs too.
We bought a doormat with a pink elephant drawing.
And a set of loudspeakers.
The house says "hello!"
Goldfrapp sings "Lovely Head".
Almost home :)
Monday, April 09, 2007
The Gossip: How did I miss them?
"The band's breakthrough song "Standing in the Way of Control" was written by Ditto as a response to her government's decision to deny gays the right to marriage in the U.S. "Nobody in the States was that surprised or shocked by what Bush did, but it made everyone I know feel helpless and cheated," Ditto says. "I wrote the chorus to try and encourage people not to give up. It's a scary time for civil rights, but I really believe the only way to survive is to stick together and keep fighting."" (Wikipedia)
Standing in the way of control, we will live our liiiiiiives (liiiives, liiives, liiives, ooooouuuuuu, heeeeeeeeey)
The Gossip
I have to go back to Razzmatazz, where the "children" go dance, the only place in Barcelona where they would play such songs... (we missed Cansei de Ser Sexy live last Friday, but it was worth it). I don't mind at all getting older, don't mind becoming a fake academic intellectual, but I want good music!!!! Tired of the 80s...
Monday, March 26, 2007
Off Topic: El Poder Justicero de los Blogs and Six Degrees of Separation
La idea es la siguiente. Necesito conseguir cualquier material audiovisual (fotos, videos, audios) de la madrugada del 21 de febrero en la estación de RENFE de Sitges (Cataluña, España) y de las actuaciones policiales de esa noche. ¿Por qué? Porque “el proceso” (Kafkiano), entra en su segunda fase, la de defenderme del poder disciplinar. Entonces apelo a tres premisas teóricas y de paso pongo a prueba el poder de La Red para lograr una buena causa. Si hay alguien que tenga algo de este material, pueden enviarlo a: justiciabloggera (arroba) Y si alguien quiere echarme la mano “espejeando” este post en su blog, pues se lo agradeceré infinitamente (no importa que no esté en España, ver la premisa 1).
Premisa teórica 1
“La teoría de los 6 grados de separación, se refiere a la idea de que, si una persona está a un “paso” de lejanía de cada persona que conoce, y dos “pasos” de cada persona que es conocida por cada persona que uno conoce, entonces, todas las personas que hay en la tierra, no están a más de seis “pasos” de mi” Via Wikipedia
Premisa teórica 2
La Red (en su versión mercantil de lujo: la Web 2.0), aparece como una nueva forma de percibir al Internet como una plataforma horizontal, democrática y “social”, con una “nueva arquitectura de participación-colaboración”, donde la persona importante: “eres tú”.
Premisa teórica (utópica) 3
El mundo es justo, las instituciones son sólidas, la solidaridad existe y el karma acaba por imponerse.
Postdata teórica
Como además ya todo el mundo tiene cámaras digitales, aunque sea en los móviles, pues…
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The Blogger in Me
Monday, March 12, 2007
Why Study???
02 Neurônio
Jô Hallack, Nina Lemos, Raq Affonso
@ -
Estudar pra quê?
VALE A pena estudar? Depende. Se você for mulher, talvez não. Quer dizer, financeiramente falando. Um estudo feito pelo Ibmec, em São Paulo, mostra que, quanto mais a mulher estuda, maior a diferença salarial dela em relação aos homens!
A pesquisa mostra que as mulheres com especialização ou pós-graduação ganham 37% menos do que os homens que fazem o mesmo trabalho e têm o mesmo currículo. Podemos ficar felizes. Afinal, em 1995 essa diferença salarial era ainda maior: 47%. Mas a verdade é que não dá para ficar feliz. Será que a gente ganha menos porque tem TPM? Será que é porque gostamos de roupa?
Ou alguma espécie de problema causado por pessoas que, quando estão perdidas na rua, pedem informação em vez de ficar dando voltas de carro?
Segundo os especialistas, isso acontece porque as mulheres entraram há menos tempo no mercado de trabalho. Com isso, têm menos experiência, portanto ganham menos. Se isso for realmente um motivo (duvidamos um pouco), as leitoras que estão fazendo vestibular vão se dar melhor que a gente. Afinal, daqui a cinco anos, provavelmente essa diferença vai diminuir. Mas, provavelmente, até lá eles vão inventar uma outra desculpa. E nós continuaremos... ferradas!
Uma outra coisa que os estudiosos falam é que a mulher tem que se ausentar por algum tempo para tirar a licença-maternidade, e isso explica a diferença salarial. Isso é um absurdo. Mulher não pode ter filho porque atrasa a carreira. Homem pode, porque ele não cuida da criança mesmo!
Socorro! Esse tipo de pesquisa nos faz ter algumas reflexões: as mulheres deveriam parar de ter filhos. Afinal, se coisas como amamentar fazem o seu salário ser menor, o mundo realmente não precisa mais de gente.
Outro ponto: quando as mulheres forem chefes, elas deveriam ter outros critérios para escolher seus funcionários. Por exemplo: se eles gostam de futebol. Se gostarem, estão fora. Afinal, se a gente tem que lidar com critérios bizarros na escolha do salário que pagam pra gente, também podemos dar o troco!
E o último critério: já que ganhamos menos, vamos inverter essa desvantagem em casa. Por isso, meninos, se preparem para lavar o banheiro! E se você é uma moça que está se preparando para o vestibular: querida, nosso objetivo não foi te desanimar. Estude. Mas depois chegue lá e grite "Viva lá revolución!".
Momento de histeria
Melhor inteligente sem grana do que rica burra neoliberal
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Hide and Seek
The Who - The Seeker
I've looked under chairs
I've looked under tables
I've tried to find the key
To fifty million fables
They call me The Seeker
I've been searching low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die
I asked Bobby Dylan
I asked The Beatles
I asked Timothy Leary
But he couldn't help me either
People tend to hate me
'Cause I never smile
As I ransack their homes
They want to shake my hand
Focusing on nowhere
Investigating miles
I'm a seeker
I'm a really desperate man
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die
I learned how to raise my voice in anger
Yeah, but look at my face, ain't this a smile?
I'm happy when life's good
And when it's bad I cry
I've got values but I don't know how or why
I'm looking for me
You're looking for you
We're looking in at each other
And we don't know what to do
Friday, March 09, 2007
Louder than a Bomb!
TIGA - Louder than a Bomb
Passando Maaaaaaaal
Eu AMO essas duas!
Já estou inspirada de novo pra começar a postar!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Five Reasons to Exile - Part 1
We're Here
The Gillimots
The world is our carpet now
The world is our dancefloor now
Remind me how to dance again
The world is our carpet now
The world is just waiting now
No staring out windows now
Our train stopped moving hours ago
We're here, we're here, we're here
Yes we're here
Free to laugh and cry
Obliged to try
And nothing here's worth winning without a fight
When I can't move
I'll enjoy the still for a while
And lose myself in waves
And mountains and the sky
And I'm back here quick as lightning
'Cause we are just seconds
Seconds in a day
It's a dancefloor now
No staring out windows now
Our train stopped moving
Hours ago
We're here, we're here, we're here
What do I do? / ? ?
Free, free to run and cry
Obliged to try
And nothing is worth winning without a fight
Oh yes we're here
Free to go insane
Joy and pain are fighting in the corridors inside
When I can't move
I'll savour the pause for a while
And lose myself in waves
And mountains and the sky
And I'm back here quick as lightning
'Cause we are just seconds
Seconds in a day
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Best Song For S&M Sex
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you
Help me I broke apart my insides, help me I've got no
Soul to tell
Help me the only thing that works for me, help me get
Away from myself
I want to f**k you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to f**k you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to god
You can have my isolation, you can have the hate that
It brings
You can have my absence of faith, you can have my
Help me tear down my reason, help me its your sex i
Can smell
Help me you make me perfect, help me become somebody
I want to f**k you like an animal
I want to feel you from the inside
I want to f**k you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to god
Through every forest, above the trees
Within my stomach, scraped off my knees
I drink the honey inside your hive
You are the reason I stay alive
(com'on, it's a joooooke!! topic suggested by Edgar and Adolfo... I will make it a regular here :))
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Top Ten???
So... those are some of the songs playing in my mp3 player at the moment (haven't got an iPOD YET). I was going to make a super network of networks of relationships with them, following the fantastic idea of Musicovery. But... since I could not install a Photoshop (or any editing/drawing software for that matter) in my work computer, you will have to use your imagination!
Born Slippy - Underworld
Talisman - Air
Poison - Astrix
The Way You Look Tonight - Billie Holliday
Michael - Franz Ferdinand
Man Eater - Nelly Furtado
Venus as a Boy - Bjork
What You Waiting For - Gwen Stefani
Climson and Clover - Velvet Underground
Girls and Boys - Blur
You Gonna Want Me - Tiga
I Don't Feel Like Dancing - Scissor Sisters
Let Forever Be - Chemical Brothers
Superafim - Cansei de Ser Sexy
Flawless - George Michael
The Seeker - The Who
Release Me - Infected Mushroom
Madonna -Fever
Simphony n.7 - Beethoven
Pure Morning - Placebo
Hyper-Ballad - Bjork
Triptico - Gotan Project
The Test - Chemical Brothers
Blue Monday - New Order
Monday, January 22, 2007
Lizzy the Lezzy Part II
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
NOT a Serious Person... "I'm Lizzy the Lezzy..."
Lizzy the Lezzy
Check the other episodes here
Dani asked me the other day "when have we become such lesbians???"...
Haven't, but it is so interesting to identify certain attitudes of ours as a "lesbian" thing. Aff... complex stuff... those stupid labels...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
si os plaze
s'il vous plaît
if you please
se te dá prazer???
the more romance languages I learn, the funnier the world gets!
(Gmail in Catalan from now on, so I can get used to the language the Phd students around me speak most of the time.. "safata d'entrada")
Monday, January 08, 2007
I guess what made me feel even worse was realising I have the same disappointment towards the theme of my PhD thesis... "I have seen this movie before"... “What is the message?”…And that is what I feel when I read most PhD thesis... why on earth someone is studying this? What is the purpose? I know most of the time theses just focus on that little tiny detail that other theses did not cover... but... I don't want to have this feeling about MY thesis. Four years feeling like that?
I have just started to develop the theme into first, a literature review paper (this will definitely be useful if I am able to pull off a new perspective for this review, a new look at things), and later, my thesis project. The theme? Broadly, eGovernment indicators. Too broad? Well, yes. When I get to the point where I can state my thesis theme in only one sentence I will be happy. Can't now. But I can try to explain more or less where I want to get...
My disappointment at the existent eGovernment performance indicators and benchmarking reports, such as Accenture's, the UN's, and all others that rank countries websites or focus mainly on the delivery of "services" to "customers" started back in São Paulo, when I was working with eGovernment cost-analysis indicators. So many questions relating to policy relevance kept coming to my mind...
How can one measure innovations?
How can we actually track new (better) ways of interaction between the government and the society?
If we measure the number and sophistication of services online and more means better, what if one service becomes completely obsolete and seizes to exist or it merges with another one as we move to online interactions - is that portal ranked lower?
Why eGovernment studies and surveys are often detached from eDemocracy themes? Isn't democracy a form of government? Is the government only a service provider? What is the definition of service? What is government after all? (I am in a period of defining things in my life...:))
Hmm… I guess I am basically concerned with the transformations in relationships (government, businesses, citizens) that are related to eGovernment and how we can track them (now I am thinking how not to fall in a deterministic view of technology, society and transformations... but I will leave this to a whole new post). I hate the feeling of being completely lost and confused and not knowing where to go!
Oh well. For now, I will leave you with a clip of the only good scene of Babel: the one at a Japanese dance club. It made me think... do I need music or a feeling of rhythm in my life?
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Here We Go!
Several blogs created, none started. But I am very confident I will stick to this one.
I've always been so jealous of those illuminated people who could actually write insightful things about a theme or even just blablabla about anything with refined irony a couple of times a week and make people laugh! And think! And philosophise! Pff.... I was never able to do that - too lazy to just entertain people with my thoughts. This is actually a problem I guess I've always had... laziness… or perhaps I was just not comfortable with being lost and showing that so explicitly in a blog. Never able to make choices, never staying in one place for more than 2 years, never focusing on one object of study, never starting AND following a career. But now, almost a year after Dani bought me a fridge magnet “Not All Who Wander Are Lost” I have started to believe I-AM-OK AND I can take advantage of my messy way of being (who needs self-help books? You just need a fridge magnet!).
I just need to write about my messy head. But I need to focus. Focus, focus. That’s what I have been telling my self since I started researching for my PhD thesis (on eGovernment evaluation).
It was soooooo obvious from the beginning! The Soundtrack of my life! I can't do anything without music, without tapping my feet to that lalalalalala, tchurururururu... It inspires basically everything I do. As my life from now on will pretty much be my doctorate (and the totally related conversations with Dani as the one we had last night about Second Life…) I will write about the sounds of my PhD. Maybe I can get something insightful out of it and who knows, I might actually become one of those illuminated people… but for now, the idea is just egoistic self-therapy. And I am OK with that.
(not sure exactly what this song/video clip means to me right now… perhaps the process of finding the skeleton of my thesis…lol… oh, well, this is just my first post ;-))